Recieve the latest from Featureform
As a virtual feature store, Featureform is quick to implement, straightforward to integrate with common data platforms, and comes loaded with capabilities that help Machine Learning feature management make sense.
Give your features an easily-searchable name and ultimately render them fist-class entities of the Machine Learning process. Encourage the sharing of features across teams, saving untold hours of redundant effort.
Experience the freedom to quickly iterate features while knowing your changes won’t adversely affect applications that rely on their prior incarnations.
Keep an eye on your features every step of the way to confirm that the data they rely on remains valid. Stop drift in its tracks. Monitor serving latency, volume, and data storage volume.
Our transparent workflow ensures appropriate access to, and integrity of, the data that your features are built from.
No need to rebuild your existing infrastructure. Experience your Features as searchable, first-class entities of the ML process. Iterate and share them across your organization.
Codify your rules and procedures within our platform for effortless, wide-reaching enforcement of your data governance policies.
Be ready to deploy the Features you’ve developed quickly and confidently, at the scale your organization requires.
See what a virtual feature store means for your organization.